Friday, March 27, 2009


Tierny, John. "A survival imperative for space colonization" July 17 2007. March 27 2009.

The scientist from this article Dr. Gott predicted in 1993 that humanity would last atleast another 5100 years. and now he says that to ensure our long-term survival we need to get a colony started on mars within the next 46 years. this article talks about scientific stuff and previous predictions made by other scientist's. and why they agree or disagree with their arguments about humanity's life span.
I personally dont know much about science and our earth. but i do not believe that starting a new colony on mars will do anything for us..

Thursday, March 19, 2009

#11 Global issue

Booker, Salih. "Genocide in Darfur" June 24 2004. March 19 2009.

Genocide in Darfur is a big global issue. TONS of people are killed, and put through pain and suffering in Sudan. the government in sudan isnt very good, they arent doing anything major to try and stop the horrible things going on there. and they may keep continuing if no one trys to fight against it, in a major way. the government and people who are againt alot of ethinicities and racial people... that has caused alot of what has been going on in Darfur...

#10 Holidays

Ramano, Jay. "Big threats to little fingers" December 11 2008. March 19 2009.

This article talks about during the holidays parents really need to think about child safety. alot of people go all out with decorations and it creates a new atmosphere for children, something that there not use to seeing in their own home. the author is just giving some advice to parents and family members of children so that their holidays can be spent happily and safe with out any accidents. about 2,400 children are brought the to emergency room each year for accidnets sustained after inserting electrical receptacles, and more than 70% of them are supervised my parents or other adults. and there are some preventions for these types of injuries for a little price of $2!!!!!!!!!!
i also think that parents need to take more precautions during the holidays, some decorations can lead to horrible injuries or even death. according to this article, and common sense....

#9 Bollywood

Zalubowski, David. "Excersing-Bollywood style" Feburary 19 2009. March 19 2009.

This article talks about the dancing in bollywood films, and how it attracts americans as a good excercise techinique. like Salsa and Belly dancing. lots of americans have found this very interesting. and thought it would be fun to try since alot of people are looking for new ways to get fit. it also gets them more involved with the culture. and people even got good results from this! i think that its interesting that this would interest so many people to do as a workout. i too would be interested in trying this out. it seems fun and who doesnt like trying new things?!

#7 Change "California passes cell phone law" september 28 2006. March 19 2009

(this is a really stupid change topic, but i couldnt find anything else)
well basically califronia passed a new law that prohibits the use of cell phones while driving. this was in effect july, 1, 2008. the first fine for breaking this law is a $20 ticket, and each one after that is $50. but.... the driver is allowed to use mobile devices while driving only in the case of an emergency. "The Minnesota Cell Phone Law & Text Messaging Ban" July 31 2008 (?) March 19 2009
Minnesota also passed this law, and it became effective August 1, 2008. in MN the violation of this law can cost up to $300 rather than $20 or $50.
this article says that 25% of all crashes are caused by drivers being disctracted because of using a mobile device while behind the wheel.

I think that it was a good idea for this law to be passed, because it is a big cause of car accidents every day. i just dont think that MN needs to charge so much for violating this law. even though it probably will encourage more people not to use their cell phones while driving..

#6 Hope

Grady, Denise, "After a devistating birth injury, Hope". Feburary 23 2009. March 19 2009.

In Tanzania, two teenage girls are suffering very much, and themselves, and people all around them are having hope for them to get better. They both were pregnant and were in labor around the same time, both in labor for days. only to end up with a dead child. since the labor was so long, it inflicted a dreadful injury on the mothers. an internal wound called fistula. this is when there is an prolonged labor occurs. mostly when the child is to big to go through the"birth canal" when the baby dies, and most of the time so does the mother or they will produce a fistula. they both had 2 painful operations by 2 different doctors and both failed. they recently had another operation done, and they are hoping the best for it

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

#5 RELIGION/belief/non-belief

Rabin, Roni. Religious belief influences end-of-life treatment choices. March 17 2009. March 17 2009.

i read an article from NY times. about religion.. this one is called "Religious belief influences end-of-life treatment choices" basically this article is saying that less religious people are more dependent on the doctors to keep them alive rather than god. (obvioulsy) and that the non-religious patients want the doctors to do everything possible to keep them alive. also studies show that religious people are less likely to sign something about their will, because they say live is sacred and that its their "duty and obligation to stay alive as long as possible."
I have a different opinion about things they talk about in this article. i think that no matter your religion or if your even religious or not, that you should have done what ever you need to so that you can stay alive as long as possible. unless you will be suffering the rest of your life. unless you choose to. also i think that no matter what the doctors should just do their job in helping the patients. because this article also says that it is more likely for a religious person to be put on a mechanical ventilator to maintain breathing during the last week of life, and i think that even if you arent that religious this should still be done for every patient that needs it.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

#4 Gender roles

Sklar, Benjamin. Gender roles, marriage, and anger. June 10 2008, March 15 2009.

In this article that i read from NY times. talks about gender roles.. obviously... well.. it talks about same sex relationships homes, and opposite sex relationship homes. it says that same sex couple homes usually split the household work evenly, but in a heterosex couple most of the househould work it for the women.. (like "back in the day") and when a heterosex couple live together but are not married the relationship is more egalitarian, like a married couple. apparently most women who's partner is a man, often feel angery about the amount of household work they have to do.. along with most of the "relationship work"
i agree with this, i think women have the right to get angry, sure men feel as if they need to be the support of the family, but that doesnt mean that they cant help out with household work also. and i also think that is more likely for a same-sex relationship to have equal work, becaue technically neither is the man or women.. so they cant go by that "rule"