Monday, December 29, 2008

outside reading 8

I read another article on called "Missing mom's body was found by railroad tracks" (Scary) any way..
this lady was planning on divorcing her husband, so she went and stayed at a friends house so she wouldnt have to argue with him.
One day when she was suppose to be getting back to her friends house, she never arrived. they called the police to look for her, and they found her truck only a couple miles from her house, and a couple days later they found her body by rail road tracks.. because of the looks from her head and neck the police suspected her death as a homocide.

outside reading 7

I read an article on called "Lobbyist linked to McCain Sues NY times"
this lady Vicki Iseman is sueing new york times for $27 million, because she says that they "damaged her carreer and 'sense of personal self worth' "
NY times was saying that she "falsly intimited that she had an affair with the senator to gain perks for her clients.
They said that their relationship was ethical, professional and appropriate, but McCain denies the relationship..
i dont know if she got the $27 million, but i think she did... lol

Friday, December 5, 2008

outside reading 6

i read an aritlce on called "Boy, 11, Arrested For 'Gangster' Game Shooting" him and his 8 year old brother were playing a game called
"gangster" with a gun they had found in their grandma's car. the older brother, 11, accidently shot his younger brother, 8, in the chest. the younger brother's wounds are not life threatening. as told by one of the police men. in the end the grandmother was charged for not keeping a deadly weapon secured, and the mother was recently sentanced to 4 years in jail for beating them ith an ax this past july.