Monday, October 27, 2008

outside reading

I just started a book called "cut" it seems good so far. but i just started. its about a girl who cuts herself. and she is in a place to help her. there are many other girls there with other issues, like belemia, anorexia, obesity, and drug use. All the girls are shy, or just dont like talking about thtere issues. they have group meetings with the programs therapist. some of the characters so far are; Becca [the main character], Tara, Sydney [Becca's room-mate], Claire, Debbie, and a few more. I cant wait until i get farther into the book and see what happens! i usually dont like reading. so hopefully i will get into this book and enjoy reading it. Well im gonna go read now!! :) lol. so far i would recamend this book, and what i've heard about it makes it seem really good!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Outside reading

I read an article online. About a women who tried killing her disabled sister...
According the the article a women tried killing her 52 year old disabled sister. She was charged for attemptive murder, arson, and elder abuse for allegedly torching her apartment. The sister wasnt hurt. I dont know why she tried killing her sister. and the article didnt say.
This is a very sad situation. sisters are suppose to be like best friends. no matter what they look like, or how different they are. but not to these sisters. apparently one of them doesnt really like the other one. which is sad. i dont have a sister. but a couple people in my life seem like sisters to me, and i couldnt imagine ever wanting to kill them, or them wanting to kill me.

Monday, October 20, 2008

heroes in a box!

[This is a picture of Lori Strong. She is a hero in Canada.]

Add iron and steel To beauty and grace Stir in the will to win With a bright smiling face Blend in love For a Sport And a friendship within Fold in bruises and bumps On the surface of skin Mix in soft flowing arms And straight pointed toes With a twist of the head To complete the pose Pour in loyalty and dedication For the rest of the team For the gymnast is striving To fulfill A dream

[This poem is a good artifact for gymnastic heroes becuase in order to be a good gymnast you have to be strong, which corresponds to "iron and steel" and during competitions/performances/etc. you have to have grace and beauty in all your moves, and keep a smile on your face.]


C are for each other
O bey the safety rules
O ffer to help others
P lay together as a team
E ncourage others
R emember to have fun!
A ttitude is important
T ake turns
E veryone is a winner
[This poem is a good artifact also, becuase it is some of the basic parts of being a gymnast. like caring, having rules, being safe, having fun, and being respectful. these are some things that all gymnasts have.]

Gymnatics heroes from the 90's:


All these artifacts are different. there is a poem/photo/video/and a link to a few gymnastic heros. Lori Strong was a hero in Canada. she got 4 gymnatics gold metals. and even after falling and fracturing her leg she didnt quit, and kept going and didnt listen to the doctors so she could make it to the competition. The poems are good examples towards gymnastics, and what a true gymnastics hero might be like.

Boy gymnasts and girl gymnast heroes.
out of the ones i found on a site. there were more male gymnast heroes than girl. maybe this means that more boys are dedicated to gymnastics then girls are.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

outside reading

I read a few peoms from a book that is just poems for daughters to read. and the poems are written by mothers to there daughters or about there daughters. My mom gave me this book a couple years ago. and i enjoyed reading it, it reminded me of good and bad memories i have had in my life. Some of these poems kinda made me realize how much mothers appreciate there children, and that they cant be compared to any thing else.

outside reading

I read an article online about halloween. This article talked about how people spend so much time and money on halloween. Some people spend hundreds, maybe even thousands of dollars every year just for parties, costumes, decorating, or just to have halloween spirit. Alot of people do this for many holidays, but halloween is one of the biggest spending holidays on parties/decorations, etc. costumes are even expensive. $40-$60 plus accesories??? thats alot. and its only for one night. cause you cant be the same thing 2 years in a row.. well you can. but who really wants to? its crazy how much money people spend these days. and how much people could be saving if they didnt spend all there money on things that wont be needed in the future, or if they arent even gonna touch it again. after reading this article i realized that why waste your money on things for the present. when you can buy things that will be useful in the present and future.

Monday, October 13, 2008

out side reading

I read an article online. about worlds smallest kids. they are called "... dwarfs" (i forgot the name) and there are only approximently one hundred of them in the world. it is very rare. and you can only get this is there is a certain jean that both parents have. They go through alot of trouble in there life. This article was specifically about this one girl. and she had to get this one surgery done becasue her neck and spine grew unnormally compared to an average person. All dwarfs have to get this done some time in their life. and its alwasy better when your younger. and that is one reason why they are so short. some are born at the height of 12 inches and like 2 pounds!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

a child called "it"

I read a few chapters from the book called "a child called it" by Dave Pelzer. this is a very sad book. and it made me realize that child abuse is a big problem in this world. at this very moment there could be a child being physically abused by a parent. how could those parents live knowing that they abused there child. any way.. in this chapter it the mom was abusing her son,she was forcing him to lie on the stove so she could watch him burn, because she saw him playing in the grass during recess at school. one of his mom's rules was that playing on the grass was forbiddin. Finally his brother came home, and the mom had lost the "fight" and he was safe from the burning. he was still abused my his mom. This is a true story.